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Holistic Medicine (HM) uses science to understand the root of an issue. HM also looks at the entire person; their mental, emotional, spiritual, and energetic health, as well as their physical and biochemical health. Iridology, Hair analysis, careful listening, and other diagnostic tools help me know what the true roots of ill health are and address them.
Medical massage involves treating painful conditions with advanced massage techniques and manual therapy. Muscles, joints, nerves, connective tissue, electrolyte balance, and the lymph system are considered in this therapy. Nutritional consult and empathic work can be useful in helping conditions heal.
Oftentimes, we have an intuitive sense that something beyond the physical is keeping us from being fully healed. I am an expert in energy healing and medical intuition, and can help stuck energies or stuck moments/events release and resolve so physical, mental, and emotional healing can be fully realized.
"Reject your sense of injury, and the injury itself disappears"